Amour wedding rings - 14kt white gold
Code: 3975/48 3975/59 3975/70 3975/81 3975/92 3975/103 3975/114 3975/125 3975/136 3975/147 3975/158 3975/49 3975/60 3975/71 3975/82 3975/93 3975/104 3975/115 3975/126 3975/137 3975/148 3975/159 3975/50 3975/61 3975/72 3975/83 3975/94 3975/105 3975/116 3975/127 3975/138 3975/149 3975/160 3975/51 3975/62 3975/73 3975/84 3975/95 3975/106 3975/117 3975/128 3975/139 3975/150 3975/161 3975/52 3975/63 3975/74 3975/85 3975/96 3975/107 3975/118 3975/129 3975/140 3975/151 3975/162 3975/53 3975/64 3975/75 3975/86 3975/97 3975/108 3975/119 3975/130 3975/141 3975/152 3975/163 3975/54 3975/65 3975/76 3975/87 3975/98 3975/109 3975/120 3975/131 3975/142 3975/153 3975/164 3975/55 3975/66 3975/77 3975/88 3975/99 3975/110 3975/121 3975/132 3975/143 3975/154 3975/165 3975/56 3975/67 3975/78 3975/89 3975/100 3975/111 3975/122 3975/133 3975/144 3975/155 3975/166 3975/57 3975/68 3975/79 3975/90 3975/101 3975/112 3975/123 3975/134 3975/145 3975/156 3975/167 3975/58 3975/69 3975/80 3975/91 3975/102 3975/113 3975/124 3975/135 3975/146 3975/157 3975/168 Choose variantProduct detailed description
Amour is the French word for love. This collection is a celebration of love and commitment. The design of the rings was created from an assortment of countless pebless and seashells merged into one, each have their own story, but put together, they form a whole.
Additional parameters
Category: | SHOP |
MATERIAL: | 14KT WHITE GOLD (Au 585/1000) |
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